Le Parc du Petit Prince

Billetterie bleue Buy Tickets

Works council

Aérobar vue aérienne


Get tickets with discount for your coworkers

The tickets are available for 2 seasons and may be reconducted for 2 more years
Printed or E-tickets available.

Laser Planète sous marine Parc du Petit Prince

Group trip

Organize a trip with your coworkers

Get fun all together in the Park of the Little Prince.


Try our large 388-seat conference room and organize your seminar

More rooms are available!

Restaurant la Taverne

Organize your Christmas dinner in our Alsatian Restaurant La Taverne
A unique and friendly moment to celebrate the end of the year with your colleagues

Informations & booking

Loanne Maerky

Tél. : +33(0)3 89 62 43 13